I heard a news report yesterday saying that at some places of business, listening to an MP3 player at work helped with productivity. They said "iPod" specifically, but guess what news hipsters, iPod isn't the only MP3 player out there. I am here to agree with that story and say that is the only way I get any work done 'round here! But I just recently got on the MP3 player bandwagon. I used to just strap on the headphones and listen to MP3's on my computer. No more will I be a simple music plebian! Now with the MP3 player, I can just roam around the office and be in listening bliss the whole time, looking like a gay
Apple iPod commercial the whole time!
My weapon of choice is pictured above, the
Creative Zen Micro (I got the white color). What is cool about this little device (and what sets it apart from the iPod Mini) is that it has 5 Gigs of space and also includes an FM radio. You can also download files off of your computer and use it as a portable hard drive. Lets be honest, the real reason I got it is because it glows
BLUE man!
BLUE! If you are looking for an alternative to the iPod (it's about the same price of an iPod, but it has more features and a bigger hard drive), this is it. I demand you buy one, even if you can't afford it. Even if your house is re-possessed by the bank because of it. Being homeless sucks. But being homeless while listening to MP3's makes life A-Ok!