I can't find my pants.

Seriously. Let's go back in time for a moment, shall we? I moved this weekend. Everything went smoothly, with the exception being that the gaylien cable company couldn't hook up the cable on Saturday since the leasing company office was closed. No TV or internet for the entire weekend!? My world will surely collapse! Well, I got through it. So with the help of my friends & family, I'm all settled in. Today I was looking for some pants to wear to work (yes, pants are required here) and I find that they are missing. I'm thinking now that I left them at the old place. Needless to say (though I'll say it right now), that blows the proverbial goat. I have 2 options: 1. Buy some new pants or 2. Wear the surviving pair of pants for the rest of my earthbound life. I'm leaning toward option one (but that is because one of my legs is shorter than the other). So if you would like to donate some cash to the "Pants Enrichment for Needy Individual Studs (P.E.N.I.S.)" campaign, please feel free to email me and we'll get something setup. Thank you and God bless. And may the force be with you and all that...
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