Valentine's Day Sucks

But it is not because I don't have a girlfiend. And it's not because I don't like the holiday (if you can call it that). The reason it sucks is that for some inexplicable reason, something always goes terribly wrong and the night ends up really shitty. So to avoid this problem this year, I took it upon myself to move Valentine's to a few days before the acutal event. The result? Well, it worked! I had a great day.
Everything is all well and good (I hear a big "but" comming) BUT (see told ya) then Valentine's day rolls around. Lo and behold! The proverbial shit hits the literal fan. Here I am, days later, still feeling the effects of the fight my girl and I had. So Valentine's Day can just fuck right off! But, uh, hopefully yours was a good one :)
You said it brother
Captian Morgan
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