Gross Errors

I am always amazed at the amount of spelling/grammatical errors that I find on websites. I'm not talking about small sites like this one, I'm talking about big sites that see thousands of hits a day. I've seen it all over,,,, etc. Do these writers even bother to proof-read anymore? It's not like they are writing a novel or anything. I especially like this one I found today right smack dab on the front page of
"...Reid and McNabb needed each other to get grow through the tough times..."
"Get grow" huh? Sweet! Now what does it mean!
Here is another I saw today in an article on
"Before his arrested and placed on suicide watch, Alvarez was treated for superficial wounds..."
It's funny because I scrutinize this blog like it's going out of style and I maybe get 3-4 hits a day (sad I know). Yahoo and all the others? They must get hundreds of thousands, if not millions of hits. When what you write is only a paragraph long, proof read it you jackhole. Please.
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