Thursday, January 06, 2005

You are not cool.

I'm not the epitome of coolness. I'll admit that right out of the box here. But at least I have never spent $1000+ on this shit. Look, I'm not about to judge people on trying something different or new. Yes these things are new and flashy and could possible have the term "all that" attached to it; the proverbial "shit" if you will. But when your car looks like it is moving even when stopped and can potentially cause an accident because of that fact, I'm going to have to say "no" to that idea and begin a fierce hatred of it. So can we please just slowly back away from this fad? Thank you.

Well the high school down the street just let out and all the "loud kids" seem to be passing by at the moment. I'll watch them pass from my second storey office window and quickly pass judgment on their existence while sipping my mug of water, a benevolent sneer on my face. If they only knew... Muhahah!


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