Monday, January 10, 2005

Early Signs of Alzheimer’s?

I'm sitting at my desk, going about the usual business, when I need to take a bathroom break (piss yo!). I'm in the bathroom, I got my member presented to the porcelain shine, ready to make a yellow donation. But nothing comes out. "That's odd," I say to myself quizzically. A sick realization comes over me: I already took a pee 2 minutes ago, but somehow, I had forgotten. My hands were still a little moist from when I washed them on my last visit here. WTF? Was I really so lost in thought that I had forgotten my previous adventure to the head? Why does CBS keep making television shows?

Of course this isn't the first instance of forgetful behavior on my part. I mean we are talking about the guy who forgets a person's name 1 second after being told said name. Seriously. Shit man, I forgot my date's name and introduced her to my a buddy of mine as "my friend". Come to think of it, that was the last time I ever saw her...

Needless to say (even though I'll say it anyway, god that expression sucks. Anyway, back to the point...) I will need to monitor the situation in the future. Now this is normally where you would insert some humorous quip about memory less (i.e. Now where did I put my my keys/dog/illegitimate child?), but I'll forgo that today and just end this post with a smile :)


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