I'm "manstrating"

It seems like once a month I feel like a real bitch. I'm in a bad mood, people irritate me, and I just become very irrational. Now I know what it is like to be a typical woman (zing!). Seriously though, some days I wake up and I am just right pissed off at the world for no particular reason. I didn't have any bad dreams or lack of sleep last night, so why do I feel like a walking asshole (without that "unfresh" smell, thank you very much) today? Then of course, ye olde girlfriend de "ex" walks into the office here; this day grows more joyous with each passing moment it seems! Anyway, this "man PMS" really sucks. I need to think happy thoughts. I also hope my psuedo-girlfriend desides to dump that peice of shit dude she calls a "boyfriend". Boyfriend doesn't strike me as the right word for that guy. "Super Tool" would be a more acurate description of that bungholio. Or perhaps the reason I am feeling bad is because I'm not sure who is the bigger tool in this grand scheme I call a "relationship"; me or him. The plot thickens, my friends ("plot" is the name of my penis).
Now get the hell out of here, you're pissing me off.
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