"The boss is really riding me!"

I wake up yesterday and it's 10:30am. This is a good time to wake up on the weekend. Not so good on the weekday when you need to be at work by 9:00am. When I roll in to work at about 11:15 or so, the boss happens to be leaving on an errand. I told him that the alarm I have stopped working (which is the truth but it still sounds like the most retarded excuse ever). Then he says to me, "I looked over the work you did yesterday and it looks like you did maybe a 1/2 an hour of work. What did you do yesterday?" I felt like busting an Office Space and yelling "I deal with the goddamn customers so the engineers don't have to! I have people skills!" My stammering excuse came out as "I was, uhh, doing updates on the software." Very eloquent fo shizzle.
Long story short, I don't know if he's gonna keep buying my excuses, so I guess I'll try and keep my work output above the "quadriplegic monkey" level. We'll see how it goes. By the way, the San Fran trip went good. The hated Giants lost while I was in town, which I am going to take FULL CREDIT for (even though I wasn't at the game). I wasn't accosted visually by any flamers and we were able to maneuver ourselves throughout town without too many problems. In my next post I'll talk about the nifty 4 person protest we saw. What were they protesting? Stay tuned, you're not going to believe this shit...
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