Perfect Women

A friend of mine and I were just talking a little while ago about the old addage that says the more like shit you treat your woman, the more likely she will want you more. My friend and I both don't subscribe to that bull shit. Look, I'm not going to be an asshole to you if you don't deserve it. If you are a woman who likes it when you are mistreated, baby, it's time to get the bolts tightened 'cause there is something loose in your head. I can't help but adore a woman (unless she is ugly; damn you to hell ugly bitches! - just kidding!). So, I figure this much about the potential "woman of my dreams": if she understands that being treated like a princess is acutally a nice way to live, then you are in like Flynn, yo! I just don't play the "want me because I mistreat you" game.
On an unrelated, albeit funny, note, here is a neat little pickup line. By the way, I'm a big fan of bad pickup lines. I'll have to field test this one and see if it works (it won't, but it sure would be fun to try).
I've got the "F" the "C" and the "K". All I need is "U".
Here's another good one:
Guy: Did you know you have 206 bones in your body?
Girl: No.
Guy: Whould you like one more?
Fucking classic! By the way these lines are stolen from the "Babes Channel" over at
From experience I can debunk that adage. You treat a gal that's worth having like a gangrenous skunk rectum, then you'll be shown the door, the window, and the frying pan upside your cranium...
Now where you have erred is your disparagement of ugly broads. Like old fossilized dames, ugly gals are most appreciative and endeavor to please their man to no end. But the question arises "is she a gal that's worth having?" (see above). If not, then feel free to treat her like a gangrenous skunk rectum because she's in it for the long haul...
I dated a malamute one time that put the PU in pussy. A ghastly visage to behold. Many a day I was praying for a total eclipse, anything to shade the hideousness. Now I'm dating a gorgeous female. The problem is, she knows it. I harken back to the days when ugly gals roamed my earth. It was a much simpler time...
(love that psychedelic picture)
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