The bills are alive...

Life, especially here in San Diego, is expensive as hell. I was chatting with a friend via email today when I came to the realization that I owe a lot of money at this moment. From credit card payments to medical bills (that Viagra cost a lot yanno...) to student loans; the list goes on like an infinite string of slaps in the face. My recent promotion here at the old employment station will hopefully alleviate some of those monetary concerns. What usually happens (and by "usually" I mean "every fucking time") is that the more money you make, the more bills you make for yourself. Here's a scenario that probably strikes home in a number of you: "That plasma screen TV/computer/boob job would look great in my living room/bedroom/mouth. I'm sinking in debt, but I got that raise! Now I can afford this unnecessary shit!" The thing is, you can't.
So with that in mind, I endeavor to avoid this monetary pratfall in this iteration of the higher income bracket. Let's call it iSave 2.0 and see if I can get my ass back in the black. w00t.
Hi Rotch. Can I find any information on here? My friend said to check out The bills are alive... for information on hospital bills but this does not seem like the most relevant of blogs. I like cruzing through your site but maybe search engines might have more information. Need to come back later though...great blogs!
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