Wednesday, December 29, 2004

Wednesday humps & Japanese bumps

So the annual holiday head cold has set in. Awesome. At least I made it into work today, which is why I can post today! I don't call this blog Bored@Work for nothing you know :) Let's discuss a few things today, shall we?

One of my "hobbies" is the learning of the mysterious language known only to the lay person as Japanese (Nihongo for those playing at home). I found a website with a group of people who share a similar interest in the language. This group doesn't have an "organizer" of whom it is safe to assume "organizes things". What I propose then is to be the organizer of this group and get this party started! So if you live in the San Diego area & are interested in learning Japanese, speaking Japanese, or watching Japanese be spoken from human beings to other human beings, go check out this site. It should be fun or end up as such a disaster as to be funny years from now. It can't hurt to try, right?

As always, please feel free to leave me some comments or utilize the new shoutbox that I have so duplicitously inserted into the right panel of this website. Until then... I am watching you...

Saturday, December 25, 2004

Christmas & Japan

We'll I should be wrapping presents right now, but to hell with that! I'm going to post this on the internet instead. Joy to the world! Went to a Christmas party tonight and heard the obligatory "religion sucks" speil from some of the people there. I can't say that I didn't agree with a lot of what people say now about religion and that it is slowly losing its foothold in today's society. But you know what, I'm not going to get into that topic tonight. Why? Because it is late and I need to do things. I will say however that I miss being in Japan. More specifically, I can appreciate the way they handle religion over there. How is it different? Well, stay tuned and I'll tell you in my next post ;) Until then, have a great Christmas or Qwanza (however you spell it)! And remeber kiddies, try not to be stupid. No one likes stupid people.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Hail to ye!

So this is the blog where the real shit happens ladies and gents. Of course this blog came about the same way most good ideas come about; by letting your mind wander while sitting at work. What I hope to share here is funny anecdotes about my life, observations of the stupid people that surround me (present company excluded of course. Unless you are dumb and you know it. In that case, you can just fuck right off.) So check back often and enjoy my point of view.