I saw this
interesting story on the news recently. Basically, some flight attendant and some guy at google got fired because they were blogging about how they dislike their jobs. I should say "disliked" because they were promptly fired when the boss man found out. I found that this relates to me since I also don't like my job that much and I blog about it. Am I in danger of being fired? Well, yes, but that's not because I blog (it's because of my bad
B.O.)! These individuals who got fired made a few mistakes though. In the case of the flight attendant, she posted what was termed "suggestive photographs" of herself in uniform. By suggestive, I'm thinking that she had the "do me in the butt" look on her face. Here is an artists rendition of the picture in question:

The google guy who got fired decided to talk shit about one of his bosses. Not the smartest thing to do my friend. One thing that I try to avoid is talking trash about anyone who works here at my office. My boss is cool, my coworkers are cool as well (except for Frank "The Tank" Cross. I'll beat you senseless next time we meet, you asshat). Yes I am bored at my job, but I won't post pictures of me sloughing off or talk about my bosses' finances or any of that. Point is, when blogging, try to avoid using real names or places that might link you to your blog if you wish to remain anonymous (common sense, yo!). And including pictures of yourself? If you don't give a fuck about getting fired, then by all means, post those pictures of you getting filled out like an application by 3 of your coworkers. Just don't come crying when the security guards escort you from your place of employment the next day.