Wednesday humps & Japanese bumps
So the annual holiday head cold has set in. Awesome. At least I made it into work today, which is why I can post today! I don't call this blog Bored@Work for nothing you know :) Let's discuss a few things today, shall we?
One of my "hobbies" is the learning of the mysterious language known only to the lay person as Japanese (Nihongo for those playing at home). I found a website with a group of people who share a similar interest in the language. This group doesn't have an "organizer" of whom it is safe to assume "organizes things". What I propose then is to be the organizer of this group and get this party started! So if you live in the San Diego area & are interested in learning Japanese, speaking Japanese, or watching Japanese be spoken from human beings to other human beings, go check out this site. It should be fun or end up as such a disaster as to be funny years from now. It can't hurt to try, right?
As always, please feel free to leave me some comments or utilize the new shoutbox that I have so duplicitously inserted into the right panel of this website. Until then... I am watching you...